Initial Stages in the Formation of Galls Induced by Geoica utricularia in Pistacia terebinthus Leaflets: Origin of the Two Vascular Bundles which Characterize the Wall of the Galls
Álvarez Nogal
DOI: 10.4236/ajps.2011.22019   PDF    HTML     5,209 Downloads   9,569 Views   Citations


Only a few species of aphids induce galls. Among these, Paracletus cimiciformis, Forda marginata, Forda formicaria, Geoica utricularia and Baizongia pistaciae induce galls on Pistacia terebinthus leaflets. Prior to present study the author examined microscopically P. terebinthus leaflets. He also studied the microscopic morphology of galls induced by the five species mentioned above. A clear microscopic difference between these galls is that in the wall of galls induced by the genera Paracletus and Forda a single vascular bundle is seen. The interpretation is that these galls are laminae of the modified leaflets. However, in the walls of the galls induced by the genera Geoica and Baizongia, two vascular bundles are observed. In the present paper a study of the early stages of development of galls produced by G. utricularia is described. The study was designed to explain the origin of the two vascular bundles present in the walls of these galls. The findings indicate that the aphid induces a massive development of the two vascular bundles present in the midvein of the leaflets of P. terebinthus: the main vascular bundle and the small supernumerary vascular bundle. Both these extremely developed vascular bundles occupy the walls of the galls induced by G. utricularia.

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Nogal, Á. (2011) Initial Stages in the Formation of Galls Induced by Geoica utricularia in Pistacia terebinthus Leaflets: Origin of the Two Vascular Bundles which Characterize the Wall of the Galls. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2, 175-179. doi: 10.4236/ajps.2011.22019.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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