Study on Effect of UHV Power Grid Construction Schemes on Short Circuit Current ()
Zaihua Li1,
Feng Gao2,
Qing Wang1,
Shuang Zhang2,
Hongmei Luo1,
Jian Liang2
1China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing, China.
2Ningxia Electric Power Research Institute, Yinchuan, China.
DOI: 10.4236/jpee.2015.34028
The commissioning of Southern
Hami-Zhengzhou ±800 kV UHVDC transmission project has important significance to
heighten operation reliability, transfer capability and supply electric ability
of Henan power grid. However, short circuit currents of 500 kV buses in the Center
of Henan are almost close to the operation upper limitation. In order to
decrease the short circuit currents effectively, it’s necessary to strengthen
the network structure of Center of Henan power grid and calculate short circuit
currents. Two schemes of strengthening the network structure of Center of Henan
power grid are studied. The calculated values of short circuit currents of some
important 500 kV buses in the two schemes are still bigger than excepted.
According to the latest Plan of State Grid, Yubei UHV substation and Zhumadian
UHV substation located in Henan power grid. The calculated values of short
circuit currents of some important 500 kV buses with the commissioning of Yubei
UHV and Zhumadian UHV are qualified. So, reasonable network structure with UHV
is suitable to heighten transfer capability and supply electric ability of
Henan power grid.
Share and Cite:
Li, Z. , Gao, F. , Wang, Q. , Zhang, S. , Luo, H. and Liang, J. (2015) Study on Effect of UHV Power Grid Construction Schemes on Short Circuit Current.
Journal of Power and Energy Engineering,
3, 200-205. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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