Henan Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project Persistent Effect Mechanism Research ()
In order to reduce east--west section area of “digital divider” in China, Ministry of Culture laun- ches the National Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project in the mid-west provinces, and the state finance gives certain funds subsidy in the project construction period. Embarks highly from strategy during construction plan chosen and operational system management, as while as union digital library to construct a persistent effect mechanism. With the principle of state guidance, enterprise operation and benefit farmers, expand culture industry within the provincial and safeguard Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project sustainable development's, then promotes the rural economy culture full scale development.
Share and Cite:
CUI, W. , JIAN, H. , GAN, Y. , ZHANG, Z. and LIU, Y. (2009) Henan Cultural Information Resources Sharing Project Persistent Effect Mechanism Research.
Intelligent Information Management,
1, 18-23. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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