Photographic Media for Pain Expression: Situated Learning with Graduate-Entry Masters Students to Develop Skills in Applying Theory-to-Practice


Entry-level healthcare practitioners must be able to engage in critical thinking, life long learning and be autonomous and accountable within the complex demands of healthcare in the 21st century. However, structuring learning opportunities to foster these skills within the pre-qualification curriculum can be challenging. To-date, little evidence exists in the literature to guide educators. This case report discusses how an elective module in the therapeutic use of digital photography for Master of Science in occupational therapy (MScOT) students was designed to enable students to develop an appreciation for, and ability in, scholarship and the application of theory-informed practice. The elective module is used as an example to illustrate the potential and relevance for Social Learning theory, Situated Learning theory and the concept of Most Knowledgeable Other (MKO) to guide capacity building in scholarship and theory-based practice. This collaboratively written student/faculty theoretical perspective, incorporating anecdotal evidence extracted from students’ learning assignments in the module, supports our conclusion that these types of learning modules may offer a useful vehicle in which situated learning can occur.

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Brown, C. , Halabi, M. , MacDonald, K. , Campbell, L. and Guenette, R. (2011) Photographic Media for Pain Expression: Situated Learning with Graduate-Entry Masters Students to Develop Skills in Applying Theory-to-Practice. Creative Education, 2, 91-95. doi: 10.4236/ce.2011.22013.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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