Redefining Technology Role in Education
Ali S. Al Musawi
DOI: 10.4236/ce.2011.22018   PDF    HTML     11,419 Downloads   22,102 Views   Citations


The paper is a conceptual attempt to explore the new roles of technology in education which has increasingly become more than a sole medium, as was its description in the past. Basically, the key idea is that technology, with the powers of ICT, in education has now three main roles, namely: a medium/resource, a management, and a delivery. These new roles, when combined, could set the stage for restructuring the education institutions in an innovative way that leaves the current education system in history.

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Musawi, A. (2011) Redefining Technology Role in Education. Creative Education, 2, 130-135. doi: 10.4236/ce.2011.22018.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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