Consolidation of MA W-Ni-Fe Alloyed Powder by Microwave-Assisted Sintering
Wensheng Liu, Yunzhu Ma, Qingshan Cai
DOI: 10.4236/msa.2011.26082   PDF    HTML     4,686 Downloads   8,080 Views   Citations


MA W-Ni-Fe alloyed powder compact was sintered by microwave technology, and the influence of microwave sintering on consolidation of W-Ni-Fe alloy was studied. The fracture morphology and microstructure of alloys were measured by SEM and metallurgical microscope. The experimental results showed that microwave sintering promoted the densification of MA W-Ni-Fe alloyed powder quickly with the higher heating rate. The density of the sintered samples increased with the increase of sintering temperature, and significant densification shrinkage occured at 1300 ~ 1400°C. The tungsten grain grew rapidly at 1450°C. When the alloy was microwave sintered at 1550°C, the inner structure of alloy is more homogeneous, the average W grain size is about 15 μm, and the relative density of sintered specimen is 99%.

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Liu, W. , Ma, Y. and Cai, Q. (2011) Consolidation of MA W-Ni-Fe Alloyed Powder by Microwave-Assisted Sintering. Materials Sciences and Applications, 2, 609-614. doi: 10.4236/msa.2011.26082.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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