Geo-Social Profile Matching Algorithm for Dynamic Interests in Ad-Hoc Social Network ()
1. Introduction
Ad-hoc social network (ASN) is a social network between users of mobile devices that are connected with an ad-hoc network. Today most of mobile phones are equipped with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Cellular radio and so are capable of supporting ad-hoc communication mode. ASN is a social network where people of similar interests connect with each other using ad-hoc communication mode of mobile devices. Being connected using ad- hoc communication mode, ASN has its own advantages as it uses infrastructure-less network for communication.
2. Problem Definition
People are always looking for information and friends. Lee and Hong [1] observed a correlation in browsing web and user’s interests and proposed an algorithm to suggest friends by constructing a dynamic profile based on keywords extracted from urls accessed while browsing Internet. However, many times urls don’t include keywords or relevant keywords. Thus the profile based on keywords extracted from visited urls may not represent user’s interests rather keywords used to search the information represent their interests. Additionally, there is a correlation between search pattern (i.e. browsing history or interests) and location searching information. Thus, the proposed algorithm follows a three prong approach where keywords used in searching, keywords extracted from accessed urls, and GPS location of the user used to search and browse are considered for constructing profile of the user. Further, building a single profile for a user and suggesting friends based on that single profile is not beneficial to the user. Since, a user has different search and browsing pattern at office, home, or at some other tourist place and its behavior changes significantly with respect to location of the user. For example, Person A while at work may usually accesses urls related to Java programming or urls related to job, while at home accesses urls related to movies, restaurants, parks, and while visiting other tourist places he accesses urls related to sharing taxi, locations to be visited, or other information that tourist place. Therefore, suggesting social links based on a single global profile will not help to get a good experience of ASN. For example, at a tourist place, Person A may be interested in creating social links with persons having interests of sharing taxi to a particular place to share costs or persons having interests in Java Programming and along with interest of sharing taxi to a particular place so that he can share a taxi with a person with interests as he has. Therefore, there is a need to have different profiles for user that may automatically be set based on their GPS location. A user may always set a global profile that is a combination of some oral local profiles.
3. Related Work
Sarigol et al. [2] presented Ad Social that supports social network applications in an ad-hoc network and demonstrated on 10 - 15 Nokia N810 handhelds with a very low overhead. In a typical online social network (e.g. facebook) a user’s list of buddies consists of friends explicitly selected by the user, while in ad-hoc social networks, buddies are nearby users whose presence has been detected by Ad Social. Users can retrieve profile of any nearby buddy by right-clicking on the buddy’s icon and start a chat session with them. Alternatively, they can also search for buddies matching some specific interest. However, Ad Social matches interests using a simple string matching algorithm and requires user to enter his/her profile manually. Trieuand Pham [3] proposed a system called STARS, which is an ad-hoc network of smart phones. It is a network data sharing model where in users choose to share information with other people within a small group for limited amount of time. The system provides features to build social network and share interests like pictures, drawings, notes, comments, text etc. User registers an identifier on time line of ad-hoc network. The application broadcasts the identifier in the network. A decentralized application running on user’s device creates Interest-based network and perform security and privacy enforcement. Campbell et al. [4] proposed to add sensing capability into social networking applications. They presented a system called Cence Me which collects information about neighboring users and concise facts which can be used in many applications.
Sarigol et al. [5] presented a tuple space that abstracts underlying network as a common memory space in which nodes can store and look up key/value pairs (i.e., tuples). However, each application configures its own “shared memory” rather than all tuples residing in a single shared memory. Moreover, an application can control propagation of its tuples both in space and time. They used tuple space to implement a buddy presence service that allows users to view all buddies in their proximity as well as search for buddies with specific interests. Every user creates a profile that includes a list of interests. The profile is exchanged among users to filter friends. However, this method does not discuss about determining interests automatically to create a profile for the user. Yiu et al. [6] presented an application which locates friends in proximity based on given threshold Euclidean distance. They proposed that application tunes its proximity distance itself according to communication cost. Bottazzi et al. [7] proposed a middle ware for ASNs where in two components called Dependent Social Network Manager (PSNM) and Global Network Manager (GSNM) are presented for building user profile. PSNM publishes user profile depending on its different interests built by the user. GSNM combines PSNM profile with its place id according to user’s location. However, the profiles are updated statically.
Zhang et al. [8] proposed Proximity-based mobile social networking (PMSN) that enables two users to perform profile matching without disclosing any information about their profiles beyond comparison result. A user may have a profile of d attributes A1… Ad, where d may range from several tens to several hundreds. Each attribute corresponds to a personal interest e.g. movie, sports, and cooking. To create a personal profile, every user selects an integer uiЄ [0, ϒ − 1] to indicate his level of interest in Ai (for all i Є [1, d]) the first time he uses PMSN application. As a fixed system parameter, ϒ could be a small integer, say 5 or 10, which may be sufficient to differentiate user’s interest level. The higher ui, the more interest the user has in Ai, and vice versa. Every personal profile is then defined a savec to r 1…ud>. The user can also modify his profile later as needed. Say Person A’s profile is u = 1… ud> and B’s profile is v = 1... vd > as two exemplary users of the same PMSN application. Let F denote a set of candidate matching metrics defined by the PMSN application developer, where each f Є F is a function over two personal profiles that measure their similarity. Protocol allows Person A and B to either negotiate one common metric from F or choose different metrics from F according to their individual needs. Assume Person A chooses a matching metric f Є F and runs the privacy matching protocol with B to compute f(u, v). According to amount of information disclosed during the protocol execution, authors defined three privacy levels from Person A’s viewpoint, which can also be equivalently defined from B’s viewpoint for his chosen matching metric. Level-I privacy, when the protocol ends, Person A only learns f(u, v), and B only learns f. Level-II privacy, when the protocol ends, Person A only learns f(u, v), and B learns nothing. Level-III privacy, when the protocol ends, Person A learns if f(u, v) < τAholds for her personal threshold τAwithout learning f(u, v), and B learns nothing. If Person A and B both faith fully follow the protocol execution, neither of them can learn the other’s personal profile for all three privacy levels. The protocol present same chanism so that the profile is confidential however user has to select interest level manually and setting values of different attributes that are several tens to several hundreds is a very tedious process.
Zhang et al. [9] proposed privacy preserving method to match profile of users in a decentralized fashion for multi-hop ad-hoc social network. The method preserves privacy in the sense that profile of participants and the submitted preference profile are not exposed due to a secure communication channel between initiator and matching users. The algorithm is based on symmetric encryption and a secure communication channel established in a decentralized social network without any presetting or trusted third party. Mascetti et al. [10] proposed protocols to compute users’ proximity by taking advantage of the presence of a third party to reduce the computation and communication costs with respect to decentralized solutions. They proved that the service provide racting as the third party, by running the protocol, cannot acquire any new location information about the users, not even in presence of a-priori knowledge of users’ locations. They also showed that each user can have full control of the location information acquired by her buddies.
Leeand Hong [1] proposed an algorithm to create a user profile by collecting and analyzing data from a mobile device to build ASN. The data is extracted from URLs which are accessed by the user. Lee proposed a hierarchical model to infer user’s interest from urls of accessed web pages. A node in the hierarchical model has a keyword and a value. Keyword is name of category extracted from urls and value is degree of interest level. When a user accesses a web page, Lee system records visited urls information and extracts meaningful words from recorded urls. If the extracted keyword is present in the hierarchical model then interest level of the keyword is increased else the keyword is added and interest level is initialized. The keyword with highest interest level is used as representative of user’s profile and is used to create links in social network. Therefore, the profile created by this method is a global profile. System uses this profile to create links in social network at every location. However, global profile does not truly reflect user’s dynamic interests. Additionally, sometimes keywords of extracted url may not reflect interests or urls keywords may not be relevant and rather keywords used in the search may reflect user’s actual interests. Therefore, creating single profile will not be advantageous to the useras interests are continuously changing with respect to location. Nagender and Sapna [11] presented the various research issues in establishing ad-hoc social network. They presented the need of a better profile matching algorithm that is suitable for mobile devices. Sapna and Nagender [12] presented the need to investigate interest based matching. They presented that entering interests or creating profile is not a good and the process of creating profile for ASN should be automated. The authors discussed that the solution to create automatic profile based on browsing history is good but may not be beneficial since users’ interests vary with movements and are based on location.
Therefore, current research in ad-hoc social networks demonstrated that AS neither can be an extension to on-line social network or an in dependent temporary social network formed for specific purpose. In order to provide better and satisfying experience of ad-hoc social network, the profile matching algorithm should provide meaningful friend suggestions. As mentioned, Lee and Hong [1] algorithm uses keywords extracted from urls to create profile of the user, thus there is a need of algorithm that not only uses keywords extracted from urls but also uses key words that have been used to search information and access the urls. Further, ad-hoc social network is create data specified location for some special purpose, there is also a need to have dynamic multiple ad-hoc profiles for user that changes with location of the user.
4. Algorithm
This paper presents a hierarchical model wherein first level children are GPS locations visited by a user and second and lower level children represent interests extracted from users search and browsing pattern. Further, a user can manually set the profile or can be automatically selected based on its GPS location. The proposed profile matching algorithm includes two phases 1) profile construction phase and 2) profile matching phase. Profile construction phase automatically creates multiple profiles wherein each profile is tagged with a GPS location and browsing history. Profile matching phase extracts meaningful keywords from browsing history and create a tree with root as GPS location and children as extracted keywords. The second phase i.e. profile matching phase uses cosine similarity to determine if the two profiles are similar enough to suggest social connection.
4.1. Profile Construction Phase
When a user searches information on a mobile device and accesses a web page through a web browser, system records keywords used in searching and visited urls along with its GPS location. GPS location is the location of the mobile device from where the user is searching some information. In order to infer user’s interest, the system extracts meaningful words from recorded urls. The algorithm uses a forest structure as mentioned in Figure 1.
Algorithm 1 explains steps to build multiple local profiles. Current GPS location of the user is compared with GPS locations stored in the data structure list. If current GPS location is found in the list, then corresponding hierarchical structure’s address is extracted. Keywords used in searching and extracted from visited urls are compared with all of children nodes in the hierarchical structure. If the extracted word does not exist in the hierarchical structure, it is added to the structure and its interest level is initialized, otherwise the interest level of the word is increased. If GPS location is not present in the forest, then new tree with root node as GPS location is added in the forest along with keywords and interest level initialized as zero.
We also store GPS location in a form of meaningful names. For example GPS location can be University Campus (Office), 14 Street (Home), Tourist (may be a tourist place for a user). Therefore, a user has as many local profiles as number of trees in a forest. Active profile of a user would be based on its current GPS location. However, the user can select one or more active profiles. If a user selects multiple local profiles then interest level of the keywords is added to make a combined sub-profile. Social links would be created based on representative
Figure 1. Multiple local profiles in form of trees with root node as location.
NodeA - Node in ad-hoc social network
FA - Forest maintained by NodeA
LA - List of GPS Locations of NodeA
LA(t) - GPS Location of NodeA at time t
ListA(LA(t)) - Hierarchical data structure of keywords for location LA(t)
Ki - ith Keyword
- Interest level of ith Keyword
N - Total no of levels
m - Number of keywords at jth level
Trigger: NodeA receives Ki from search and browsing urls and receives LA(t) \\
If (LA(t) exists in FA) then
return ListA (LA(t)) from FA
empty tree ListA (LA(t)) added to FA
return ListA (LA(t))
update Interests()
end if
scan ListA (LA(t))
if (Ki found in scanning) then
insert Ki into ListA (LA(t))
end if
Algorithm 1. Algorithm to create profiles based on GPS location.
keywords from the combination of profiles.
Suppose Person A spends most of the time at office or at home but at weekend he goes to different places say parks, shopping malls etc. At such location he may still want to publish his global profile instead of default local profile based on current location. We propose that a global profile is built by adding weights of interest level and for all locations. Let FA is the Forest of NodeA with various locations. A set of keywords are formed by taking union of keywords in all the trees at various location. For each common keyword in more than one tree, weight is computed by adding its interest level in each tree.
4.2. Profile Matching Phase
Figure 2 presents profile matching algorithm to match profile of a node with profile of nodes in its range. Node extracts keywords and their corresponding interest levels based on current profile that may be local profile or global profile depending on user’s choice.
Suppose for a NodeA set of keywords is {k1, k2, ×××, kp} with corresponding set of interest levels or weights (w1, w2, ×××, wp). NodeB has a set of keywords {l1, l2 ×××, lq} with interest levels or weights (u1, u2, ×××, uq). In order to match interests, individual profiles are modified in relation to received profile of other user.
4.2.1. Profile to Be Matched
In order to match, a set of keywords is formed by taking union of NodeA’s and NodeB’s keyword sets. For keyword which is present in profile of one node set but not in profile of other node set, its weight is taken as zero. Now suppose (w1, w2, ×××, wr) are weights for NodeA and (u1, u2, ×××, ur) are weights for NodeB.
4.2.2. Cosine similarity
Cosine similarity is used to calculate the similarity between two nodes. Cosine similarity between two vectors
Figure 2. Profile matching algorithm in ASN.
(or two profiles) is a measure that calculates the cosine of the angle between two profiles and provides a measure to know similarity.
If similarity is greater than a pre-defined threshold value then neighboring node is added to friend list or suggested as a friend. Cosine Similarity of 0 indicates that profiles are independent and 1 means the profiles are exactly same, and in-between values indicating intermediate similarity or dissimilarity. The threshold value that is defined to measure relationship can be provided by the user. For simplicity, we assumed 0.75 as default threshold value.
5. Example
Consider two Persons A and B browsing Internet on their individual interested topics. Assume that both Persons A and B searched some information related to sports, entertain, politics, and foreign. These are the words that were either used to search the information or extracted from website urls accessed by A and B. Let us also assume two GPS locations location X and location Y at time t1 and t2 respectively. Both persons searched for sports and entertain at Location X at time t1 and politics and foreign at Location Y at time t2. Assume number of times the terms sports and entertain appear are 2 and 4 for Person A and are 24 and 22 for person B at Location X. Similarly, assume number of times the terms politics, and foreign appear are 13 and 16 for Person A and are 12 and 12 for Person B at Location Y.
Therefore, we have following data:
Person A:
LA = {X, Y}
LA(t1) = {X} and LA(t2) = {Y}
ListA(X) = {K1, K2} with K1 = sports and K2 = entertain
ListA(Y) = {K3, K4} with K3 = politics and K4 = foreign
FA = {ListA(X), ListA(Y)}
Person B:
LB = {X, Y}
LB(t1) = {X} and LB(t2) = {Y}
ListB(X) = {K1, K2} with K1 = sports and K2 = entertain
ListB(Y) = {K3, K4} with K3 = politics and K4 = foreign
FB = {ListB(X), ListB(Y)}
Now, if we use Lee and Hong [1] algorithm then Global Profile for Person A will be {sports, entertain, politics, foreign} with weights {2, 4, 13, 16}. Similarly, global profile for Person B will be {sports, entertain, politics, foreign} with weights {24, 22, 12, 12}. Global profile is basically combination of all profiles based on different GPS location. In case two profiles have different keywords, profiles are merged.
Therefore, cosine similarity between Persons A and B is 0.62 which is less than predefined threshold that is 0.75. Thus, according to Lee and Hong [1] algorithm ad-hoc social network cannot be established between Persons A and B even though they have similar interests at the same location.
Now let us calculate cosine similarity according to the proposed algorithm.
Let us compute cosine similarity at Location X at time t1 for their local profiles:
Person A:
ListA(X) = {K1, K2} with K1 = sports and K2 = entertain
Person B:
ListB(X) = {K1, K2} with K1 = sports and K2 = entertain
Now, let us compute cosine similarity at Location Y at time t2:
Person A:
ListA(Y) = {K3, K4} with K3 = politics and K4 = foreign
Person B:
ListB(Y) = {K3, K4} with K3 = politics and K4 = foreign
Therefore, we can see the cosine similarity when calculated for Location X and Y is higher than predefined threshold and ad-hoc social network will be created between Persons A and B at both locations. This explains benefits of having multiple local profiles for suggesting friends.
6. Conclusion
This paper presented a geo-social profile matching algorithm that constructed profiles dynamically based on user’s search and browsing history and showed that local profile based on GPS location of users were more meaningful and provided good friend suggestions.