Channel Response Prediction for Abandoned Channel Restoration and Applicability Analysis
Il Hong, Joongu Kang, Hongkoo Yeo, Yonguk Ryu
DOI: 10.4236/eng.2011.35053   PDF    HTML     4,690 Downloads   8,039 Views   Citations


As channel evaluation for abandoned channel restoration design, this study sought to exam channel changes from the past to the present and predict subsequently occurring river responses. For the methodology, channel geomorphology changes were evaluated through image analyses of annual aerial photographs to complement the limited river data. Channel responses were predicted using an analytical stable channel model, the SAM (Stable Channel Analytical Model) program, based on a stability theory as well as empirical equations for equilibrium channel. The results of the geomorphological channel changes showed that channels became narrower and bed levels became lower, whereas vegetated bars expanded. The channel response prediction results, narrower channels with deeper depths and mild slopes, were expected compared with the current condition. The channel response, obtained by the field measurement data, image information, and stability theory, are in relatively good agreements showing the reliability of the application suggested in this study. Consequently, the comprehensive channel evaluation approach is expected to be applicable to abandoned channel restoration designs from the aspects of channel geomorphology and hydraulics.

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Hong, I. , Kang, J. , Yeo, H. and Ryu, Y. (2011) Channel Response Prediction for Abandoned Channel Restoration and Applicability Analysis. Engineering, 3, 461-469. doi: 10.4236/eng.2011.35053.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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