A study of fatigue status in Chinese adolescents in an urban city, Jixi
Ning Zou, Masaru Kubota, Ayako Nagai, Jin Ri Ji, Liu Shu Xian
DOI: 10.4236/health.2011.35048   PDF    HTML     4,631 Downloads   8,541 Views   Citations


The aim of the study was to clarify the charac-teristics of fatigue status in Chinese adolescents. 1018 adolescents (490 males, 528 females) aged 12 or 15 years in Jixi city were enrolled. Between May and September 2009, fatigue status was investigated using a questionnaire devised by ourselves, which consisted of 4 physical and 4 mental fatigue items. These questions were scored from 0 to 3 based on the frequency of an item occurring, given as the average of the past one month, and the fatigue scores were calculated. Lifestyle issues such as daily sleep duration, feeling of refreshment in the morning after wake-up, extracurricular sports activity, and breakfast intake, and a physical examination such as height, weight, and waist circumference were also investigated. Physical and mental fatigue scores were significantly higher in subjects aged 15 yrs old than in those aged 12 yrs old in both genders. These scores in females were significantly higher than those in males at the age of 15 yrs. Multivariate regression analysis showed that total (physical plus mental) fatigue scores were associated with female gender and various lifestyles such as unrefreshed wake-up feeling, poor extracurricular sports activity, and more frequent skipping of breakfast. However, body mass index and waist circumference were not associated with total fatigue scores.

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Zou, N. , Kubota, M. , Nagai, A. , Ji, J. and Xian, L. (2011) A study of fatigue status in Chinese adolescents in an urban city, Jixi. Health, 3, 271-275. doi: 10.4236/health.2011.35048.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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