PEMFC Application in a Gliding Arc Plasam-Catalysis Reforming System using Biogas
Mun Sup Lim, Young Nam Chun
DOI: 10.4236/epe.2011.32020   PDF    HTML     5,331 Downloads   9,079 Views  


In this study, bio-waste gas is converted to sustainable hydrogen energy in good quality and low pollution. In addition, generated highly concentrated hydrogen is applied to fuel cell (PEMFC) to resolve environmental and energy crisis issue via gliding arc plasma system. Parameters that can affect the reforming performance of bio-gas in gliding arc plasma system were studied. Especially, the optimal operating condition in water gas shift reactor and preferential oxidation reactor for CO removal was proposed. For the parametric re-searches, change in steam feed amount and temperature change in catalyst bed in water gas shift reactor were studied. For the preferential oxidation reactor, air input flow rate change and temperature variation in catalyst bed were evaluated. The optimal operating conditions for gliding arc plasma reforming system are proposed as 6:4 of biogas component ratio (i.e., CHR4R:CO), 3 of steam/carbon ratio, 16 L/min of total gas flow rate, and 2.4 kW of input electric power. Where, the concentration of biogas that passed each reactor shows 57.5% of HR2R, 7 ppm of CO, 9.2% of COR2R, and 3.4% of CHR4R. Therefore, less than 10 ppm of CO is achieved, and this system can be applicable for PEMFC.

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M. Lim and Y. Chun, "PEMFC Application in a Gliding Arc Plasam-Catalysis Reforming System using Biogas," Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 3 No. 2, 2011, pp. 158-166. doi: 10.4236/epe.2011.32020.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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