Granular Space and the Problem of Large Numbers ()
Two and a half thousand years ago the ancient atomists made a suggestion that space has a cellular structure, is material and consists of elementary cells. In 1900 Plank found the elementary length L*=10-33 cm. This notion has been widely used in modern physics ever since. The properties of granular space are studied in this article on the assumption that a three-dimensional material cell with the size of Planck’s elementary length is the only material for the construction of the whole Universe. This approach allows one to account for such mysterious phenomena as inertia, ultimate velocity of transfer of material body interactions and huge difference between gravitational and Coulomb forces - the so called “Large Numbers Problem”, as well essence of electric charge and Pauli exclusions principle.
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V. Konushko, "Granular Space and the Problem of Large Numbers,"
Journal of Modern Physics, Vol. 2 No. 5, 2011, pp. 289-300. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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