Stability Loss of Rotating Elastoplastic Discs of the Specific Form
Dmitrii Makarovich Lila, Anatolii Andreevich Martynyuk
DOI: 10.4236/am.2011.25077   PDF    HTML     4,632 Downloads   8,257 Views   Citations


A method of calculating a possible stability loss by a rotating circular annular disc of variable thickness is suggested within the theory of perfect plasticity with the help of small parameter method. A characteristic equation for a critical radius of a plastic zone is obtained as a first approximation. The formula for the critical angular velocity, determining the stability loss of the disc according to the self-balanced form, is derived. The method using which we can take into account the disc’s geometry and loading parameters is also specified. The efficiency of the proposed method is shown in Section 5 while considering an illustrative example. The values of critical angular velocity of rotating are found numerically for different parameters of the disc.

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Lila, D. and Martynyuk, A. (2011) Stability Loss of Rotating Elastoplastic Discs of the Specific Form. Applied Mathematics, 2, 579-585. doi: 10.4236/am.2011.25077.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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