Disparity between Ideals and Reality in Curriculum Construction: The Case of the Lebanese English Language Curriculum


This paper describes the disparity between the principles, guidelines, suggested themes, organization, methodology, classroom activities, and assessment outlined in the thematic, content-based English language curriculum adopted by the Lebanese government in 1997 and the classroom realities and other contextual factors that have hampered its proper implementation. The paper shows that the curriculum is designed in line with international ESL/EFL standards as it has clear goals, objectives, and performance indicators as well as sound perspectives on instruction, material selection and adaptation, and evaluation guidelines. These perspectives are based on widely accepted theoretical views in language acquisition and best practices in English language education. However, the content-based curriculum normally demands a high level of language proficiency and content and pedagogical knowledge from teachers, and it is highly dependent on the availability of adequate resources and ongoing professional development programs. The educational context in Lebanon still suffers the effects of the 1975-1990 civil war in these areas, which has made the implementation fraught with all sorts of problems.

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Shaaban, K. (2013) Disparity between Ideals and Reality in Curriculum Construction: The Case of the Lebanese English Language Curriculum. Creative Education, 4, 28-34. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.412A2005.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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