The Relationship between Consciousness of Professional Role and Work Autonomy of Rural Teachers from Sichuan Province


The paper has discussed the characteristics of consciousness of professional role of rural teachers and the relationship between consciousness of professional role and work autonomy. By randomly sampling, a survey is conducted among 265 primary and secondary school teachers from Sichuan province. It is found that the whole consciousness of professional role of rural teachers from Sichuan province is above average; the role consciousness of their collaborators and facilitators is the highest; the role consciousness of their social and economic status is the lowest. From the characteristics of different groups of teachers, there is no difference in gender, teaching age and education background, but there are significant differences between teachers of urban and rural areas, backbone teachers and nonbackbone teachers, teachers in key middle schools and non-key middle schools, and among teachers who teach Chinese, mathematics, foreign languages, Politics, History, Chemistry, Biology, Geography and teachers in primary and middle schools. Consciousness of professional role of teachers is significantly related to work autonomy. That is to say, consciousness of professional role of teachers can positively or negatively predict work autonomy.

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Zhou, T. , Chen, J. and Luo, L. (2013) The Relationship between Consciousness of Professional Role and Work Autonomy of Rural Teachers from Sichuan Province. Psychology, 4, 864-869. doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.411124.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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