Seasonal Succession of the Plankton and Microbenthos in a Hypertrophic Shallow Water Reservoir at Modra (W Slovakia)


The seasonal development of the phytoplankton, phytobenthos, zooplankton, and microbenthos in a high eutrophised intravilan water reservoir was studied. Finally, 25 genera with 44 species of Cyanobacteria/Cyanophytes and 67 genera with 102 species as well as infraspecific taxa of different groups of microscopic algae were identified. The phytoplankton in most parts of the water basin was strongly dominated by green colonial alga Golenkiniopsis longispina. From October until December a cyanophyte species Aphanocapsa delicatissima with typical cell dimensions of picoplankton/ was found in large amounts/predominated. As early as spring, a plankton bloom in all its components was observed. At that time, also a high concentration of total phosphorus was recorded, which in the second half of April dropped rapidly. The concentration of chlorophyll-a increased from 162.7 μg/L in March to 2322 μg/L in September. Massive occurrence of benthic protozoa in the plankton, as a consequence of anoxia, has been observed. Further, the detritivore and omnivore ciliate species Coleps hirtus dominated in the microbenthos. Altogether 74 of ciliate taxa were detected. Their abundance and biomass reached peak in April, but these steadily decreased from May until the end of the year. Extreme values of zooplankton density (54,016 ind/L) were recorded in spring followed by a sudden fall in summer and autumn. The contribution of rotifers (Brachionus spp., Filinia longiseta) in the total zooplankton density and biomass was 98%. Relatively a low species richness of crustaceans (4 Cladocera and 3 Copepoda) was observed.

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Illyová, M. , Hindák, F. , Hindáková, A. , Tirjaková, E. and Machava, J. (2013) Seasonal Succession of the Plankton and Microbenthos in a Hypertrophic Shallow Water Reservoir at Modra (W Slovakia). Journal of Environmental Protection, 4, 36-44. doi: 10.4236/jep.2013.411A005.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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