Does System 1 Process both Local and Nonlocal Information in Intuitive Judgment and Decision Making? Available Evidence and a Research Agenda Proposal


This paper argues that System 1, (the mental processing system mainly involved in the processing of unconscious information) in contrast to System 2, (mainly involved in the processing of conscious information), processes not only local information conveyed by sensory organs, but also nonlocal ones, that is, those beyond the detection range of sensory organs. The striking similarities observed between the characteristics of local and nonlocal information processing by System 1, offer the possibility of using most of the experimental protocols used to investigate local information for the nonlocal information. Available evidence is presented and a research agenda is outlined that could raise fascinating questions and answer about the functioning of the human mind.

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Tressoldi, P. (2013) Does System 1 Process both Local and Nonlocal Information in Intuitive Judgment and Decision Making? Available Evidence and a Research Agenda Proposal. Psychology, 4, 798-803. doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.411114.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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