Alienor Method for Nonlinear Multi-Objective Optimization
Mahamat Maimos, Balira O. Konfe, Souleymane Koussoube, Blaise Some
DOI: 10.4236/am.2011.22023   PDF    HTML     5,676 Downloads   11,385 Views   Citations


This paper deals with the Alienor method to tackle multiobjective nonlinear optimization problems. In this approach, the multiple criteria of the optimization problem are aggregated into a single one using weighted sums. Then, the resulting single objective nonlinear optimization problem is solved using the Alienor method associated with the Optimization Preserving Operators technique which has proved to be suitable for (nonlinear) optimization problems with a large number of variables (see [1]). The proposed approach is evaluated through test problems. The results show that the approach provides good approximations of the Pareto front while requiring small computational time, even for large instances.

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Maimos, M. , Konfe, B. , Koussoube, S. and Some, B. (2011) Alienor Method for Nonlinear Multi-Objective Optimization. Applied Mathematics, 2, 217-224. doi: 10.4236/am.2011.22023.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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