Resource Allocation Method of Device-to-Device Communication


In this paper, we study D2D (Device-to-Device) communication underlying LTE-Advanced uplink system. Since D2D communication reuses uplink resources with cellular communication in this scenario, it’s hard to avoid the inference between D2D users and cellular users. If there is no restriction for D2D communication on using the whole uplink frequency band, it will have a strong negative impact on cellular communication. In order to overcome this shortage, we propose a resource allocation method that D2D users and cellular users use orthogonal frequency resources. This method will effectively reduce the inference between both kinds of communication. However, an obvious disadvantage of this method is no effective use of uplink resources. Based on this, we propose an optimized resource allocation method that a specific cellular user will be chosen to reuse the RBs (Resource Block) of D2D users. These ideas will be taken into system-level simulation, and from the results of simulation we can see that the optimized method has the ability to improve overall system performance and limit inference for cell-edge users.

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Feng, W. , Wang, Y. and Yang, L. (2013) Resource Allocation Method of Device-to-Device Communication. Communications and Network, 5, 338-343. doi: 10.4236/cn.2013.53B2062.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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