Intelligent Models of Long-Term Security Correction in Energy Conversion Dispatching ()
This paper is research on the dispatching models for monthly
generation plan which is manage the congestion considering the security
constrains of the power grid. Since the monthly generation plan is the result
of vary monthly power exchange, including long-term power contract, power
exchange among provinces and generation constitution exchanges, The application
of monthly security constrained dispatching is with significant meaning for the
security and stability of power grid. This paper brings forward the purpose and
contents of security dispatching and introduces the working procedure and
mathematic models. At last, the practical example of the Hunan Province
power grid is introduced to explain the models.
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C. Luo, D. Liu, Q. Chen and X. Liu, "Intelligent Models of Long-Term Security Correction in Energy Conversion Dispatching,"
Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 5 No. 4B, 2013, pp. 621-624. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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