Influence of degraded visual acuity from light-scattering goggles on obstacle gait
Shunsuke Yamaji, Shinichi Demura, Hiroki Sugiura
DOI: 10.4236/health.2011.32018   PDF    HTML     5,432 Downloads   9,188 Views   Citations


This study examined the effect on gait of de-grading visual input by simulation on a course with obstacles. Thirty healthy, young adult males walked on a 6 m path with three obstacles (height: 5, 10, 20 cm, width: 10 cm) set at inter-vals of 150 cm with and without degraded visual input from light-scattering goggles. Gait was examined with respect to time, length, angle and walk speed parameters. Gait changed signifi-cantly in the degraded visual input condition. The distances between the obstacles and foot before the obstacles were significantly larger in 10 and 20 cm obstacles under the degraded visual input condition, but distances after passing the obstacle had no significant difference among obstacle height. We therefore conclude that a decrease of visual function alters the perception of an obstacle’s height, particularly the 5 cm height obstacle.

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Yamaji, S. , Demura, S. and Sugiura, H. (2011) Influence of degraded visual acuity from light-scattering goggles on obstacle gait. Health, 3, 99-105. doi: 10.4236/health.2011.32018.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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