On Leadership and It’s Marketing ()
Leadership is a kind of scarce resources and a determinable factor in an
organization. Effective leadership is one of the key factors in its growth,
change and regeneration whereas currently, leaders in some organizations do
not have the leadership in match with their development and leadership resource
is out of proportion of the highly-developed economy which prevents
organizations from developing. Leadership is a leader’s most significant
peculiarity and his developing in leadership contributes most greatly to the
organization. Effective leadership depends on leadership marketing as well as
the cultivating and developing. Based on marketing researches, this
paper mainly studies individual leadership, group leadership and organizational
leadership so as to lead to more researches and studies.
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Gao, J. (2013). On Leadership and It’s Marketing.
Open Journal of Leadership, 2, 78-81. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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