Research on Real-time Data Sharing in Power Integrated Automation System ()
The Power Integrated Automation System has a large
amount of the real-time data, it needs to achieve data sharing in different
modules in its own system, sometimes even needs to be shared with the other
systems. The thesis discusses the characteristics and the ways of the real-time
data sharing in the first place. Then, it compares the merits and drawbacks in
different ways. Besides, it gives a viable resolution in different aspects,
such as the design of the real-time database, the framework of the
communication system and the design of the communication software, as well as
the real-time data sharing in different systems.
Share and Cite:
Z. Wang, X. Liu and Q. Wu, "Research on Real-time Data Sharing in Power Integrated Automation System,"
Energy and Power Engineering, Vol. 5 No. 4B, 2013, pp. 474-478. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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