Global Stability Analysis of a Delayed SEIQR Epidemic Model with Quarantine and Latent ()
1. Introduction
Many people have been paying attention to the study of some epidemics, and have accumulated a lot of experience. By establishing reasonable mathematical models, they put forward the measures which controlled the spread of epidemics effectively. And many scholars researched specific diseases and considered the diseases with incubation period, recovery time, quarantine and so on [1-6]. So many epidemics were controlled. Generally speaking, when epidemics spread, there are many kinds of delays, which include immunity period delay [7-9], infectious period delay, incubation period delay. In [10], Enatsu et al. studied stability analysis of delayed SIR epidemic models with a class of nonlinear incidence rates, at the same time, they proved disease-free equilibrium was globally asymptotically stable and endemic equilibrium was permanent under certain conditions. At the same time, global stability of an SIR (where S, I, R denote the number of susceptible individuals, infectious individuals, recovery individuals) epidemic model with constant infectious period was studied by Zhang et al.
[11], they showed the endemic equilibrium was globally asymptotically stable with appropriate Lyapunov functions. And in [12], Gao et al. discussed pulse vaccination of an SEIR (E denote the number of exposed individuals) epidemic model with delay and bilinear incidence. Meanwhile, impulsive vaccination of SEIR epidemic model with time delay and nonlinear incidence rate was researched by Zhao et al. [13], and showed the pulse system that was similar to the pulse system with bilinear incidence rate. Besides, on the basis of [13], Xu and Ma introduced the saturated incidence rate. Meanwhile, they showed disease-free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium were globally asymptotically stable under certain condition in [14]. However, in addition to the bilinear incidence rate, nonlinear incidence rate and saturated incidence rate, there were some scholars who studied the non-monotone incidence. For example, an SIRS epidemic model with pulse vaccination and non-monotonic incidence rate was discussed by Zhang et al. [15], and they proved the disease-free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium were asymptotically stable under certain conditions. Besides, some scholars studied a delayed SEIQR (Q denote the number of quarantined individuals) epidemic model with pulse vaccination and the quarantine measure, and they showed that the disease-free equilibrium of the system was globally attractive and endemic equilibrium was permanent under certain conditions. In this paper, we study a delayed SEIQR epidemic model without pulse on the basis of [14,16].
The organization of this paper is as follows: In Section 2, SIQR epidemic model and its basic reproduction number and existence of equilibrium are given. In Section 3, the local stability of endemic equilibrium and disease-free equilibrium is showed by using Hurwitz criterion. By using suitable Lyapunov functions and LaSalle’s invariance principle, we prove the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable when the basic reproduction number is less than unity and the endemic equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable when the basic reproduction number is greater than unity. At the same time, the system with the nonlinear incidence rate is discussed in Section 3. In Section 4, presents the numerical simulations of the system followed by a conclusion in Section 3. At last, a brief discussion is given in Section 5 to conclude this work.
2. Establishment of the Model
We establish the following SEIQR epidemic model, Here
represents the number of individuals who are susceptible to disease, that is, who are not yet infected at time t.
is the number of individuals who are infected but hardly infectious. So we think they can’t infect other people, but they need to be quarantined.
represents the number of infected individuals who are infectious and are able to spread the disease by contact with susceptible individuals.
is the number of infectious individuals who are quarantined at time t.
represents the number of recovered individuals at time t.
The initial conditions for system (1) are

And the feasible region of the model with the initial conditions above is

Here, we presume that

It is easy to show that
is positively invariant with respect to system (1).
Where all the parameters are positive constants,
is the recruitment rate of the susceptible population,

are the natural death rate of the susceptible, exposed, infectious, quarantine and recovered respectively,
is the disease transmission coefficient,
is the death rate due to disease without quarantine,
is the death rate due to disease after quarantine,
is the recovery rate after quarantine,
is the recovery rate without quarantine,
are quarantine rate of
is the recovery rate of
is the latent period of the epidemic.
Because the variables R and Q do not appear in the first three equations in system (1), we further simplify system (1) and then obtain the following model
In this paper, we are concerned with system (2).
The initial conditions for system (2) are

And the feasible region of the model with the initial condition above is

Here, we presume that

It is easy to show that
is positively invariant with respect to system (2).
According to the practical significance of the epidemic model, system (2) always has a disease-free equilibrium

Denote the basic reproduction number of system (2)

If the basic reproductive number
system (2) has an unique endemic equilibrium

3. The Stability of Equilibrium
In this section, we discuss the local stability of endemic equilibrium and disease-free equilibrium of system (2) by analyzing the corresponding characteristic equations respectively. By defining reasonable Lyapunov functions, we resolve the global dynamics of equilibriums without requiring any extra conditions. In addition, system (2) with nonlinear incidence is studied.
3.1. Stability of Disease-Free Equilibrium
Theorem 3.1.1. If
, the disease-free equilibrium
of system (2) is locally asymptotically stable for any
. If
, it is unstable for any
Proof. The characteristic matrix at the disease-free equilibrium 

the characteristic equation at the disease-free equilibrium
of system (2) takes the form

Clearly, system (2) always has two negative real roots

All other roots are given by the roots of equation


That is, 
which is contradictory. So
Therefore the disease-free equilibrium
of system (2) is locally asymptotically stable.

so there is a positive real root at least. The disease-free equilibrium
of system (2) is unstable.
it is easy for us to prove the disease-free equilibrium
of system (2) is locally asymptotically stable.
Theorem 3.1.2. If
, the disease-free equilibrium
of system (2) is globally asymptotically stable for any
Proof. For
define a differentiable Lyapunov function

Calculating the derivative of
along positive solutions of system (2), it follows that

According to the feasible region, 

That is,

And when 
if and only if,

For all t, it is easy to show that
is the largest invariant subset of the set
Because of LaSalle’s invariance principle, disease-free equilibrium
of system (2) is globally asymptotically stable. This completes the proof.
3.2. The Stability of Endemic Equilibrium
Theorem 3.2.1. For any
, if
the endemic equilibrium
of system (2) is locally asymptotically stable in 
Proof. The characteristic matrix at the endemic equilibrium 

The characteristic equation at the endemic equilibrium

Clearly, system (2) always has a negative real root

all other roots are given by the roots of equation


So according to Hurwitz criterion, the endemic equilibrium
of system (2) is locally asymptotically stable.
all other roots are given by the roots of equation

Simplify, we can get


is the root of Equation (3), on substituting to
Equation (3), we derive that

Separating real and imaginary parts, it follows that

Then we can get


then Equation (4) becomes


Application of the conclusions of [17], we can know that positive
doesn’t exist. Hence
also doesn’t exist. There are not pure imaginary roots in system (2). Therefore all the roots have negative real component. So endemic equilibrium
of system (2) is locally asymptotically stable.
Theorem 3.2.2. If
the endemic equilibrium
of system (2) is globally asymptotically stable in 
Proof. Define a differentiable Lyapunov function

both of them are real numbers. The function is positive definite. Calculating the derivative of
along positive solutions of system (2), it follows that

On substituting
we have

In addition, when
if and only if 
It is easy to show that
is the largest invariant subset of the set
Because of LaSalle’s invariance principle, the endemic equilibrium
of system (2) is globally asymptotically stable when
. This completes the proof.
Theorem 3.2.3. If
the endemic equilibrium
of system (2) is globally asymptotically stable in 
Proof. For
define a differentiable Lyapunov function


both of them are real numbers. Let

Then the derivative of
along the solution of system (2) satisfies


Simplify, we can get

Besides, when
if and only if 
It is easy to show that
is the largest invariant subset of the set
Because of LaSalle’s invariance principle, the endemic equilibrium
of system (2) is globally asymptotically stable when
. This completes the proof.
3.3. The SEIQR Epidemic Model with Nonlinear Incidence Rate
Zhao et al. studied delay SEIR epidemic model with the nonlinear incidence rate like
in the case of pulse. In this paper, the model without pulse is discussed.

It is easy to show disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable, endemic equilibrium is locally asymptotically stable. The ways we use are similar to that in system (1), here they are omitted.
4. The Numerical Simulations
In this section, we study system (1) numerically. According to the different datas that can reflect the actual situation, we get the different simulation images to prove our conclusions obviously (Figures 1-9).
Here, according to the different actual situations, while take different parameters, we can get different simulation diagrams of the disease-free equilibrium. At the same time, we find out the disease will die out after much more time when
increases. For example,

see Figure 1.

Figure 1. Simulation diagram of the disease-free equilibrium when

Figure 2. Simulation diagram of the disease-free equilibrium when

Figure 3. Simulation diagram of the endemic equilibrium when

Figure 4. Simulation diagram of the endemic equilibrium when

Figure 5. Simulation diagram of the endemic equilibrium when
see Figure 2.
When take different
, we can get different simulation images. In other words, the
increases when
increases, which is obvious in Figures 3 and 4. And then it is easy for us to find that how
effects changing trends of

Figure 9. Simulation diagram of basic reproduction number.

see Figure 3.

see Figure 4.
At last, if the basic reproduction number is much larger and we will get new diagrams. For example, let

see Figure 5.
At the same time, the changing trends of
are shown in Figures 6 and 7. And the time which
comes peak will become large as
increases, the
will decrease. For example,
, see Figure 8. In addition, when
will change. And we can find out that when
That is, disease will be endemic disease while
see Figure 9.
5. Discussions
In this paper, a kind of a delayed SEIQR epidemic model with the quarantine and latent is studied. Using Hurwitz criterion, the local stability of the disease-free equilibrium and endemic equilibrium of system (2) is proved. For any time delay
we prove the disease-free equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable when the basic reproduction number is less than unity and the endemic equilibrium is globally asymptotically stable when the basic reproduction number is greater than unity by means of suitable Lyapunov functions and LaSalle’s invariance principle. So the delay is harmless to system (2). From the biological point of view, the delay here has no influence on the transmission of diseases. However, in [16], the disease-free equilibrium is periodic and globally attractive. At the same time, the disease will be endemic after some period of time. Above all, we consider that
is quarantined and can recover in this model, which will effect changing trends of
. Here, we take
as an example to explain that. Meanwhile, the simulation image which
changes as
can be obtained and we can find out
which the basic reproduction number is a unity. Those are useful for us to control epidemics. At last, the conclusions above are verified by numerical simulations.
6. Acknowledgements
This research was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (10471040) and the National Sciences Foundation of Shanxi Province (2009011005-1).