Procedure Standard and Administrative Investigation
—Realization of the Self-Discipline Principle


How to effectively protect the interests and rights of individuals and how to even realize a higher-level goal, individual justice and creative property are disturbing problems in administrative investigation. However, the complexity of the problem is increased because it includes arbitrary investigation and compulsory investigation. The specialness of the problem can be discovered through the clarity of administrative investigations on the attribution of concrete administrative acts. There is another effective method, namely the procedure standard reflecting the self-discipline principle except the mainstream method of right-control (i.e. judicial review). It is a combination of self-discipline with right-control, and may be one of the methods keeping pace with judicial review to realize the above-mentioned goal.

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Yang, Y. (2013) Procedure Standard and Administrative Investigation
—Realization of the Self-Discipline Principle. Open Journal of Political Science, 3, 113-115. doi: 10.4236/ojps.2013.34016.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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