Comparison of base running in baseball players and track-and-field athletes
Kazuyoshi Miyaguchi, Shinich Demura, Kazuya Nagai, Yu Uchida
DOI: 10.4236/health.2011.31005   PDF    HTML     6,449 Downloads   11,976 Views   Citations


This study aimed to examine the relationship be-tween sprint ability and base running of baseball players and track-and- field (T&F) athletes, and to identify the association between sprint ability and running skill on base running. The subjects were 25 male university baseball players and 15 male T&F athletes without baseball experience. The straight sprint time of 54.8 m and 109.6 m (corresponding to the distance to second and home) was measured. In the home run test, the times to reach each base were measured. In the second base run test, the actual running distance and 3 m section time around the first base were measured. Base running efficiency was obtained by dividing the base running time by the straight sprint time. T&F athletes showed higher values than baseball players only in the 109.6 m straight sprint time (P < 0.05, ES=1.35). Baseball players were significantly superior to T&F athletes in terms of base running efficiency. As for 3 m section times, baseball players showed significant and higher values. The straight sprint time showed significant and high correlations (r = 0.87, 0.90) between the 109.6 m run and the run home and be-tween the 54.8 m run and the second base run in baseball players, but not in T&F athletes. It was found that superior sprint ability does not always lead to good base running. In base running, it is important to run outward to some extent. In particular, the skill acquisition of base running in 3 m sections around the base will contribute to shortening base running time.

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Miyaguchi, K. , Demura, S. , Nagai, K. and Uchida, Y. (2011) Comparison of base running in baseball players and track-and-field athletes. Health, 3, 26-31. doi: 10.4236/health.2011.31005.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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