Link and Cost Optimization of FTTH Network Implementation through GPON Technology


The motivation behind this work is the need for performance analysis of Al-Gehad/Baghdad“Fiber To The Home”(FTTH) network which is one of the Iraq Telecommunication Post and Company(ITPC) FTTH projectsin2010 in Baghdad City. Based on the detailed study of this project, the design, implementation, and analysis of this network has been putting under consideration through a mathematical model simulated and performance evaluated. The link utilization and number of OLT ports (PON) had been studied and evaluated as a function of cycle time. Cost optimization was done through evaluation the total cost of PON system and who it affected with the number of ONUs (i.e. splitting ratio), as well as cost ratio between EPON and GPON is evaluated. Then GPON system has been optimized to analyze and evaluate the feeder network cost, distribution network cost, and total network cost.


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Kadhim, D. and Hussain, N. (2013) Link and Cost Optimization of FTTH Network Implementation through GPON Technology. Communications and Network, 5, 438-443. doi: 10.4236/cn.2013.53B2081.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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