The Study on the Status and the Countermeasures of Low-carbon Financial System of China
Yuechun Wen, Yingzi Wu
DOI: 10.4236/lce.2010.12009   PDF    HTML     5,754 Downloads   11,697 Views   Citations


Low-carbon economy has become the inevitable choice for the future development of human society, and can not de-velop without the strong support from financing system. Based on foreign low-carbon finance development experience, through studying on the status and the existing problem of the development of the domestic low-carbon finance, it is found that it is very important to improve and perfect a low-carbon financial system for China, including the low-carbon financial institutions and products system, the low-carbon financial market system, the low-carbon finan-cial environment system and the supporting policies and measures system.

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Wen, Y. and Wu, Y. (2010) The Study on the Status and the Countermeasures of Low-carbon Financial System of China. Low Carbon Economy, 1, 71-79. doi: 10.4236/lce.2010.12009.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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