Research advance in the diagnosis of pancreas divisum
Zong-fu Zheng, Qi-cai Liu
DOI: 10.4236/health.2010.212208   PDF    HTML     5,202 Downloads   9,148 Views   Citations


Pancreas divisum is a kind of congenital anatomic abnormality; its diagnostic basis depends mainly on imaging examination. With the development of medical science, imaging technology has been improved and added, and a complete examination system including ERCP, B-Ultrasound, MRCP, S-MRCP and CT, etc. has been formed. There are even researcher, through further analysis of pancreas divisum on the level of genes, found that CFTR is a risk factor causing such disease. This paper is focused on the value of these examination methods in the diagnosis of pancreas divisum.

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Zheng, Z. and Liu, Q. (2010) Research advance in the diagnosis of pancreas divisum. Health, 2, 1401-1404. doi: 10.4236/health.2010.212208.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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