Anti-respiratory passage virus of Chinese herbal medicine
Zhiqiang Wang, Yi Zhu
DOI: 10.4236/health.2010.212207   PDF    HTML     6,891 Downloads   11,731 Views   Citations


Influenza virus and respiratory syncytial virus infection of viral respiratory disease has become a major killer of mankind, but there is no effect of vaccines and therapeuticmdrugs. Chinese herbs can inhibit the proliferation and strengthen the human immune virus, and so on to play a very good antiviral activity. Single- flavor compound in accordance with two different drugs and the object of study, the herbal anti-influenza virus and respiratory syncytial virus, a comprehensive overview of research and clinical outlook of the Chinese herbs to good use.

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Wang, Z. and Zhu, Y. (2010) Anti-respiratory passage virus of Chinese herbal medicine. Health, 2, 1397-1400. doi: 10.4236/health.2010.212207.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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