Hardening and Optimizing of the Black Gold Thin Film as the Absorption Layer for Infrared Detector ()
Dong-pei Qian,
Chuan-gui Wu,
Yao Shuai,
Wen-bo Luo,
Qiang-xiang Peng,
Xiao-yong Chen,
Wan-li Zhang
State Key Laboratory of Electronic Thin Films and Integrated Devices,
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China.
DOI: 10.4236/opj.2013.32B066
This paper reports on the
study of the black gold thin film as the absorption layer in the near infrared
spectrum. The fabrication of the black gold thin film was achieved by a thermal
evaporation technique in N2 atmosphere. Different evaporation
conditions were attempted to optimize the absorbance of the black gold coating,
especially the atmosphere pressure and the mass of evaporation source. The
long-standing problem of black gold’s adhesion with the substrate was solved by
fuming 502 superglues into the black gold layer, which had almost no impact on
the absorbance performance. Layers produced at N2 atmosphere of 3×103 Pa show an absorbance exceeding0.9 inthe near infrared.
Share and Cite:
Qian, D. , Wu, C. , Shuai, Y. , Luo, W. , Peng, Q. , Chen, X. and Zhang, W. (2013) Hardening and Optimizing of the Black Gold Thin Film as the Absorption Layer for Infrared Detector.
Optics and Photonics Journal,
3, 281-283. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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