Legal Support of Planning in the PRC


Looking at the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) reforms it is necessary to mention that they were not resulted from foreign experts or from other countries experience they were a result of a long term Chinese strategy. This strategy includes such aspects as economy system, social benefits national safety provided that PRC is open to international influence. This long term strategy has its main tools of planning system. With the help of such system government can control all market processes which, for sure, lead to the growth and success in economy. Alongside of such model, Chinese government before and nowadays use methods of direct and indirect regulations as well as administrative influence. It means that such government interference in market process will make state structures powerful and experienced players in this game. It is necessary to say that in the period of globalized world economy multinational corporations started influencing all processes more and more, and we need to review role of government regulation. In this work next step will be directed at legal support and identification of effective government functions which can influence and control private sector. These government functions regulation can help to create balance between state, private assets and international organization in order to have a good basis for competitive world economic position. The article has a purpose to analyze key features of Chinese planning system, distinguish peculiarities and apply to other systems. In the article following methods are used chronological development of the system starting from the beginning; dialectical method of making conclusion basing on facts; and elements of comparative analysis. Result of this article is opportunity to apply such characteristics to other countries.

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Kucher, O. (2013) Legal Support of Planning in the PRC. Beijing Law Review, 4, 55-60. doi: 10.4236/blr.2013.42007.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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