Semantic Analysis of Natural Language Queries for an Object Oriented Database
Bentamar Hemerelain, Hafida Belbachir
DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2010.311123   PDF    HTML     4,400 Downloads   8,943 Views   Citations


This paper presents the semantic analysis of queries written in natural language (French) and dedicated to the object oriented data bases. The studied queries include one or two nominal groups (NG) articulating around a verb. A NG consists of one or several keywords (application dependent noun or value). Simple semantic filters are defined for identifying these keywords which can be of semantic value: class, simple attribute, composed attribute, key value or not key value. Coherence rules and coherence constraints are introduced, to check the validity of the co-occurrence of two consecutive nouns in complex NG. If a query is constituted of a single NG, no further analysis is required. Otherwise, if a query covers two valid NG, it is a subject of studying the semantic coherence of the verb and both NG which are attached to it.

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Hemerelain, B. and Belbachir, H. (2010) Semantic Analysis of Natural Language Queries for an Object Oriented Database. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 3, 1047-1053. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2010.311123.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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