1. Introduction
In this paper,
is assumed to be a filtered probability space where
is a filtration satisfying
for all
, the usual condition of right continuity and completeness. The random movement of
risky assets in the market is modeled via cadlag, nonnegative stochastic processes
, where
. We assume that all wealth processes are discounted by another special asset which is considered a baseline. In the market described above, economic agents can trade in order to reallocate their wealth.
Consider a simple predictable process
, and for all
is a finite stopping time and
, is an instance when some give economic agent may trade in the market, then,
is the number of unit from the ith risky assets that the agent will hold in the trading interval
. This form of trading is called simple, as it comprises of finite number of buy-and-hold strategies, in contrast to continuous trading where one is able to change the position of the assets in a continuous fashion. The last form of trading is only theoretical value, since it cannot be implemented in reality, even if one ignores market frictions.
Starting from initial capital
and following the strategy described by the simple predictable process
, the agent’s discounted process is given by
are a.s. finite stoping times with respect to
and the
-measurable real random variables. Note that the trader is allowed to trade on an infinite time horizon, because we do not restrict to bounded stoping times for the re-allocation of the capital. Of course trading on a finite time horizon [0, T] is covered by switching to the process
Theorem 1.1. [1,2] A real valued, cadlag, adapted process
the following are equivalent:
1) X is a good integrator.
2) X may be decomposed as
, where
is a local martingale and
is an adapted process of finite variation.
Defination 1.1. [1,3] A real valued, cadlag, adapted process
allows for A Free Lunch With Vanishing Risk for simple integrands if there is a sequence
of simple integrands such that for

In contrast, X therefore admits No Free Lunch With Vanishing Risk (NFLVR) for simple integrands if for every sequence
satisfying (VR) we have
in probability.
A free lunch with vanishing risk (FLVR) for simple integrands indicates that S allows for a sequence of trading schemes
, each
involving only finitely many rebalancing of the portfolio, such that the losses tend to Zero in the sense that of (VR) ,while the terminal gains (FL) remain substantial as n goes to infinity. It is important to note that the condition (VR) of vanishing risk pertains the maximal losses of the trading strategy
during the entire interval [0,T]: if the left hand side of (VR) equals
this implies that, with probability one, the strategy
never, i.e. for not
, cause an accumulated loss of more than
Resently, it has been argued that existence of an Equivalent Martingale Measure(EMM) is not necessary for viability of the market; to see this effect, see [4-6]. In [7], the concept of strictly positive supermartingale deflator which is weaker than the existence of an EMM, that allows for consistent theory to be developed.In this paper, we investigate the relation between the no free lunch with vanishing risk property for simple integands and the semimartingale property.
Theorem 1.2. [1,8] Let
be a real-valued, cadlag, locally bounded process based on and adepted to a filtered probability space
. If S satisfies the condition of no free lunch with vanishing risk (NFLVR) for simple integrands then S is a semimartingale.
Theorem 1.3. For a locally bounded, adopted, cadlag process X the following are equivalent 1) X satisfies NFLVR + LI(little Investment)
2) X is a classical semimartingale.
Theorem 1.4. For an adapted cadlag process X the following are equivalent.
1) For all sequences
of simple predictable processesa) 
together imply
in probability.
2) X is a classical semimartingale.
Proposition 1.5. Let
be cadlag and adapted, with X0 and such that
and X satisfies NFLVR + LI For all
there is
and a sequence of stopping times
such that, for all n 1)
takes values in
3) The stopped processes
satisfyfor all n,

Lemma 1.6. Under the assumptions as in the proposition above with
the sequence
is bounded in probability.
Proof. For all n, let

a simple predictable process, then

since X satisfies NFLVR + LI,
is bounded in
define a sequence of stopping times
there is
such that

Lemma 1.7. Under the same assumptions as in Proposition 1.5 the stopped martingales
Proof. For
, since the
are predictable and the
are martingales,

we write
as a telescoping series and simplifying to get

Lemma 1.8. Let
Under the assumption of Proposition 1.5 the sequence
is bounded in probability.
Proof. Assume for contradiction that
is not bounded in probability. Then there is
such that for all k there is
such that


and at time t = 1 we have
But the second summand is bounded in L2, so we conclude that
is not bounded in probability.
We defined a sequence of stopping times

by Doob’s sub-martingale in-equality,(see [9,10])
is bounded in probability. Therefore there is
such that
. Note that
is uniformly bounded below by
. We claim
is not bounded in probability. Indeed, for any n and any k,

, the probability of the other event is at least
. This gives the desired contradiction because it is now easy to construct a FLVR + LI.
Proof of Proposition 1.5: Defined a sequence of stopping times
By Lemma 1.8 there is c2 such that
. Take
Lemma 1.9. [11]. Let
be measurable functions, where f is left continuous and takes finitely many values. Say
. Define

is the biggest of the k such that Xk less than or equal to t. Then for all partition

Proposition 2.0. Let
be cadlag and adopted, with
and such that
and X satisfies NFLVR + LI. For all
there is C and a
valued stopping time
such that
and sequence
of continuous time cadlag processes such that for all n1) 
is a martingale with 
Proof. Let
be given. Let C,
, and
be as in proposition 1.5. Extended
to all
by defining
. Not that the extended
is no longer predictable, and currently we only have control of the total variation of
, i.e.

Notice that, for

From this and
it follow that
, so
. How do we fine the limit of the sequence of stopping times
? The trick is to define
, a simple predicator process, and note that stopping at
is like integrating Rn, i.e.
. We have that
Apply Komlos’ Lemma to obtain convex weights
such that

a.s as
By the dominated convergence theorem,
. Observe that

. Each
is left continuous, decreasing process. In particular,
, so we can divide by this quantity. We claim that
. In deed, on the event

Define new processes
. Then
. Thus we define Mn and An by

The total variation of
is bounded by 3. By Lemma 1.9,

follows from the fact that
. To finish the proof, we show that there is a subsequence
such that
. We know
. Since
a.s there is a subsequence such that
. Finally,

have the desired properties.
Proof of the Main Theorems Proof of Theorem 1.3. We may assume the hypothesis of proposition. Let
and take C,
as in proposition. Apply komlos lemma to find convex weights
such that

for all
, where the convergence is a.s. For all n,
so the total variation of A over D is bounded by C. Further, we have
. A is a cadlag on D, so define it on all of [0,1] to make it cadlag. M is
martingale so it has a cadlag modification. Since
was arbitrary, and the class of classical semimartingales is local, X must be a classical semimartingale. 
Proof of Theorem 1.4. We no longer assume that X is locally bounded. The trick is to leverage the result for locally bounded processes by subtracting the big jump from X. Assume without loss of generality that
and defined
. Then X = X − J is an adopted, cadlag locally bounded process. We will show that theorem 1.4 for X implies NFLVR + LI for X, so that we may apply theorem 1.3 to X. Then since J is finite variation, this will then imply X is a classical semimartingale .
are such that
. We need to prove that
in probability . First we will show that

by the assumptions on 
By (1),
in probability. Since
in probability, we conclude that

in probability. Therefore X satisfies NFLVR + LI.