Nigerian Pre-Service Teachers’ Science Anxiety ()
This study investigated science anxiety of two
groups of would-be science teachers. A 20-item Science Anxiety Rating Scale (SARS)
adopted from Bursal (2008) was used to gather data from the selected students. 360 science education students drawn from
a college of education and faculty of education of a university in South-western
part of Nigeria participated in the study. The sample comprised 200 (55.56%) of
the final year Bachelor’s degree in education and 160 (45.44%) of the final year
Nigerian Certificate in Education students respectively. Finding of this study revealed
that there was statistically significant difference in the science anxiety of the two categories of
would-be science teachers.
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Idowu, O. (2013) Nigerian Pre-Service Teachers’ Science Anxiety.
Creative Education,
4, 304-306. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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