Calculus for Coloring


Professors who administer the differential and integral calculus classes in the hard sciences courses and in the most diverse kinds of engineering, not rarely, are faced by the lack of motivation to learning and difficulties in absorbing the concepts of the discipline. With the purpose of contributing to the teaching-learning process related to calculus classes, this paper looks for synthesizing a process of elaboration and trial of an artwork destined for coloring, which content is specifically related to the discipline “Calculus with Applications IV”, from the Biosystems Engineering course, of the University of Sao Paulo (USP)-Brazil. The material, always prepared in the form of pairs of pages, one displaying the picture to be colored (the artwork) and the other one like its twin (the text), was individually rated by the apprentices students. The obtained results point to the possibility of facing the paradigm and showing that projects like “calculus for coloring” are not only possible, but also a quality complement in the learning-teaching process.

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David, S. , Valentim, C. and Linares, J. (2013) Calculus for Coloring. Creative Education, 4, 254-258. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.44037.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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