The Simulation of Rumor’S Spreading and Controlling in Micro-Blog Users’ Network ()
In this work, a rumor’s spreading and controlling in a directed Micro-blog user network being consisted with 580 000 nodes are simulated. By defining some authority nodes that release anti-rumor information as the prevention strategy, the effect of the nodes’ role in network on rumor’s suppression is studied. The findings show that rumor will be spread out fast and reach a stable level within limited steps. The suppression of rumor is more predominated by the intervening opportunity, the earlier the intervention strategy was implemented, the better the rumor’s controlling could be achieved. The controlling effect is less relevant with the role of the authority nodes in network.
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P. Chen and N. Gao, "The Simulation of Rumor’S Spreading and Controlling in Micro-Blog Users’ Network,"
Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, Vol. 6 No. 3B, 2013, pp. 102-105. doi:
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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