Training of Non-University Level Teachers in Cooperative Learning Methods


This article proposes a teacher training program in Cooperative Learning Methods (CLM). The analysis of the effects of the program on the development of CLM instructional designs is based on an eight category system which supports the development of instructional design that organizes the classroom from a cooperative perspective. This study also proves the existing differences among professionals teaching at different levels of the non-university education levels. The results demonstrate the efficacy of the training process of teachers who work in non-university educational system and its effect on their practice.

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Pons, R. , Sharan, Y. , Serrano, J. , Lomeli, C. & Buchs, C. (2013). Training of Non-University Level Teachers in Cooperative Learning Methods. Psychology, 4, 291-301. doi: 10.4236/psych.2013.43A043.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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