Patient stress and satisfaction when allowed the presence of an accompanying person during endoscopy


Introduction: Patients undergoing esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) have variable stress and anxiety and therefore commonly receive medications as sedative-anxiolytics. These medications have small but significant risks. To possibly make procedures safer and to increase patient satisfaction, this study aimed to measure the effects of allowing an accompanying person (AP) to be present in the endoscopy suite during EGD. Patients and Methods: Forty-two patients were randomly divided into two groups who would either be or not be offered to have an AP during endoscopy. Spielberger’s well-validated state and trait anxiety evaluations were administered to patients before and after EGD. APs also completed questionnaires as to their reactions after EGD. Results: 84.2% of the patients after EGD recommended accompaniment. Patients who underwent EGD with an AP tended (p < 0.06) to have decreased measurable anxiety compared to patients who were not offered an AP. The benefit was significant for persons with higher levels of anxiety prior to EGD (p < 0.04). Patients undergoing EGD for the first time had significantly more anxiety than those with previous EGD experience (p < 0.034). There was no significant reduction in sedative dosage when APs were present. Conclusions: Offering to permit the presence of an accompanying person during EGD was often shown to improve patient satisfaction and reduce anxiety.

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Lachter, J. and Bluen, B. (2013) Patient stress and satisfaction when allowed the presence of an accompanying person during endoscopy. Open Journal of Gastroenterology, 3, 78-83. doi: 10.4236/ojgas.2013.31012.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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