Subjective well-being of Sichuan adolescents from Han, Qiang and Yi nationalities
Dingchu Wu, Tianmei Zhou
DOI: 10.4236/health.2010.210178   PDF    HTML     4,892 Downloads   9,242 Views   Citations


Using subjective well-being scale for adolescents, this article studies the subjective well-being of 900 adolescents from Han, Qiang and Yi nationalities in mainland of China. Results: In general, the SWB of the adolescents from the three nationalities is at the level of more than medium. Their SWB is significant difference in the aspects of nationality, grade and academic records. In view of interaction, their SWB is also of differ- rent dimensions because the interrelated effects are significant between genders and grades, between genders and academic records, between grades and academic records, and even between grades and their parental educational levels and parental occupations.

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Wu, D. and Zhou, T. (2010) Subjective well-being of Sichuan adolescents from Han, Qiang and Yi nationalities. Health, 2, 1208-1214. doi: 10.4236/health.2010.210178.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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