Optimization of Biodynamic Seated Human Models Using Genetic Algorithms


Many biodynamic models have been derived using trial and error curve-fitting technique, such that the error between the computed and measured biodynamic response functions is minimum. This study developed a biomechanical model of the human body in a sitting posture without backrest for evaluating the vibration transmissibility and dynamic response to vertical vibration direction. In describing the human body motion, a three biomechanical models are discussed (two models are 4-DOF and one model 7-DOF). Optimization software based on stochastic techniques search methods, Genetic Algorithms (GAs), is employed to determine the human model parameters imposing some limit constraints on the model parameters. In addition, an objective function is formulated comprising the sum of errors between the computed and actual values (experimental data). The studied functions are the driving-point mechanical impedance, apparent mass and seat- to-head transmissibility functions. The optimization process increased the average goodness of fit and the results of studied functions became much closer to the target values (Experimental data). From the optimized model, the resonant frequencies of the driver parts computed on the basis of biodynamic response functions are found to be within close bounds to that expected for the human body.

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Abbas, W. , Abouelatta, O. , El-Azab, M. , Elsaidy, M. and Megahed, A. (2010) Optimization of Biodynamic Seated Human Models Using Genetic Algorithms. Engineering, 2, 710-719. doi: 10.4236/eng.2010.29092.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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