The Unity of Scientific Literacy Education and Humanistic Spirit Education in Higher Education


In view of the irrational phenomenon of many highly educated intellectuals showed non-rational behavior; it consider that the reason for this non-rational behavior is caused by the artificial fragmentation of scientific attainment education and humanistic spirit education in modern China higher education. This article maintains that healthy higher education should be based on scientific literacy, oriented by humanistic spirit, and to aim at the promotion of students personality perfection. Based on these, this paper ideal is the unity of human spirit education and science literacy education in modern Chinese colleges and universities is need urgently, that is to fully integrate the human spirit and science literacy, practice the way of the combination of science and humanities education. Focus on the combination, the connotations, objectives and ways to realize are disscussed in this paper, it is thinking that practices the combination of science and humanities education way should develop education theory, establish the educational methodology suitable for the science and humanities education, and seek the reuniting of science and humanities education from the history of science literacy education and humanities spirits education, reform the probleme in the combination of science education and humanities education, to carry out the education of science and humanities at the same time, reshaping the values of today higher education.

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Pei, S. , Cui, F. and Sun, T. (2012) The Unity of Scientific Literacy Education and Humanistic Spirit Education in Higher Education. Creative Education, 3, 121-125. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.37B032.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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