A Gain Scheduled Method for Speed Control of Wind Driven Doubly Fed Induction Generator


This paper proposes a gain scheduled control method for a doubly fed induction generator driven by a wind turbine. The purpose is to design a variable speed control system so as to extract the maximum power in the region below the rated wind speed. Gain scheduled control approach is applied in order to achieve high performance over a wide range of wind speed. A double loop configuration is adopted. In the inner loop, the rotor speed is used as the scheduling parameter, while a function of wind and rotor speed is used as the scheduling parameter in the outer loop. It is verified in simulations that a high tracking performance has been achieved.

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Wang, W. , Liu, K. and Zanma, T. (2013) A Gain Scheduled Method for Speed Control of Wind Driven Doubly Fed Induction Generator. Engineering, 5, 89-95. doi: 10.4236/eng.2013.51B016.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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