The Design and Implement of TCP/IP Protocol Cluster on AVR Singlechip
Rong Pan, Hai Zhao, Jialiang Wang, Dan Liu, Penghua Cai
DOI: 10.4236/jsea.2010.38088   PDF    HTML     8,681 Downloads   15,556 Views   Citations


With the rapid development of the embedded technology, research and implement of the Internet of things will be a new technology revolution, yet the implement of the Internet of things is on the base of the communication between the things. For this reason, realizing the function of communication between singlechip is particularly important. Based on the characteristics of the embedded microcontroller, we analyzed the traditional PC TCP/IP protocol, and appropriately tailored TCP/IP protocol cluster on the basis of the characteristics of embedded singlechip. At last, we realized the reduced TCP/IP protocol cluster suitable for embedded singlechip, on AVR singlechip platform.

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Pan, R. , Zhao, H. , Wang, J. , Liu, D. and Cai, P. (2010) The Design and Implement of TCP/IP Protocol Cluster on AVR Singlechip. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 3, 761-766. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2010.38088.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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