Effects of Video-Supported Web-Based Peer Assessment on Microteaching Applications: Computer Teacher Candidates Sample


The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of the web-based system used for the development of teaching skills of the teacher candidates. In the research, the effects of the web-based system on the teaching performances of the teacher candidates and development of their peer assessment skills were tested, and their opinions on the practice were determined. In the study where experimentation model was used, qualitative and quantitative research techniques were employed, and the study was conducted with two working groups, namely those who used the web-based system outside the course hours and those who did not use the web-based system outside the course hours. The results of the research emphasized that the experiment group who took web-supported training was more successful than the control group in terms of teaching performance, and was more consistent in peer assessments.

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Kavas, G. and Özdener, N. (2012) Effects of Video-Supported Web-Based Peer Assessment on Microteaching Applications: Computer Teacher Candidates Sample. Creative Education, 3, 1221-1230. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.37181.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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