Where Have All the Good (Or Any) Jobs Gone?: Student Responses to Short and Long Term Career Options
David E. Kaun
Professor of Economics, UC Santa Cruz.
DOI: 10.4236/ce.2012.326166   PDF    HTML     4,526 Downloads   6,465 Views  


A discrete decline in the effort of my students that paralleled the equally dramatic increase in unemployment and deteriorating job market beginning in mid-2008 provided the stimulus for this paper. Extensive discussions with students in and out of class about what was motivating them led to a series of meetings with a group of my very best students, discussions that provided the stimulus for this paper. From as early as the 1970’s US college student effort and choice of major has been influenced significantly by changing economic conditions and opportunities. For the most part, while study time has declined, the longer job market term trend has been positive. This may no longer be the case, at least in the short term ahead. As it turns out, student responses today to these sudden and dramatic changes vary in significant, and both expected and unexpected ways.

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Kaun, D. (2012) Where Have All the Good (Or Any) Jobs Gone?: Student Responses to Short and Long Term Career Options. Creative Education, 3, 1108-1114. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.326166.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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