Research on WSN Double-Radius Localization Algorithm Based on Partition Judgment Mechanism
Jijun Zhao, Hua Li, Zhiyuan Tang, Xiang Sun
DOI: 10.4236/wsn.2010.28075   PDF    HTML     5,375 Downloads   9,594 Views   Citations


Localization technology is an important support technology for WSN(Wireless Sensor Networks). The centroid algorithm is a typical range-free localization algorithm, which possesses the advantages such as simple localization principle and easy realization. However, susceptible to be influenced by the density of anchor node and uniformity of deployment, its localization accuracy is not high. We study localization principal and error source of the centroid algorithm. Meanwhile, aim to resolve the problem of low localization accuracy, we proposes a new double-radius localization algorithm, which makes WSN node launch periodically two rounded communications area with different radius to enable localization region to achieve the second partition, thus there are some small overlapping regions which can narrow effectively localization range of unknown node. Besides, partition judgment mechanism is proposed to ascertain the area of unknown node, and then the localization of small regions is realized by the centroid algorithm. Simulation results show that the algorithm without adding additional hardware and anchor nodes but increases effectively localization accuracy and reduces the dependence on anchor node.

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Zhao, J. , Li, H. , Tang, Z. and Sun, X. (2010) Research on WSN Double-Radius Localization Algorithm Based on Partition Judgment Mechanism. Wireless Sensor Network, 2, 639-644. doi: 10.4236/wsn.2010.28075.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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