Waving Web in Tourism Higher Education—Case Study at Tourism School of GUBS


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to introduce some approaches to wave web in tourism higher education, with analyses on key successful factors. Design/methodology/approach—The methods of investigation used in this study include observation, in-depth interviews, survey and secondary data. Findings: A comparison study indicates that virtual learning environment is a good solution to massive course load in tourism higher education. The paper figures out three effective approaches based on Blackboard System, and KSFs of online implementation, such as instructor preparation, course development, instructor accessibility, course monitoring and technology support. Originality/value: This paper illustrates the contribution of computer aided instruction and virtual learning environment to tourism higher education through case study.

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Xiao, X. and Wu, J. (2012) Waving Web in Tourism Higher Education—Case Study at Tourism School of GUBS. Creative Education, 3, 662-665. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.35097.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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