Dynamic Stress Intensity Factors for Three Parallel Cracks in an Infinite Plate Subject to Harmonic Stress Waves
Shouetsu Itou
DOI: 10.4236/eng.2010.27064   PDF    HTML     4,142 Downloads   7,575 Views   Citations


Dynamic stresses around three parallel cracks in an infinite elastic plate that is subjected to incident time-harmonic stress waves normal to the cracks have been solved. Using the Fourier transform technique, the boundary conditions are reduced to six simultaneous integral equations. To solve these equations, the differences of displacements inside the cracks are expanded in a series. The unknown coefficients in those series are solved using the Schmidt method such that the conditions inside the cracks are satisfied. Numerical calculations are carried out for some crack configurations.

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Itou, S. (2010) Dynamic Stress Intensity Factors for Three Parallel Cracks in an Infinite Plate Subject to Harmonic Stress Waves. Engineering, 2, 485-495. doi: 10.4236/eng.2010.27064.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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