Model of Rotation Accuracy of High-Speed Spindles on Ball Bearings
Jeong-Du Kim, Igor Zverv, Keon-Beom Lee
DOI: 10.4236/eng.2010.27063   PDF    HTML     6,155 Downloads   12,247 Views   Citations


For the purpose to improve a design quality of high-speed spindle units, we have developed mathematical models and software to simulate a rotation accuracy of spindles running on ball bearings. In order to better understand the mechanics of ball bearings, the dynamic interaction of ball bearings and spindle unit, and the influence of the bearing imperfections on the spindle rotation accuracy, we have carried out computer aided analysis and experimental studies. When doing this, we have found that the spindle rotation accuracy can vary drastically with rotational speed. The influence of bearing preload has a secondary importance. Comparison of the results of these studies has demonstrated adequacy of the models developed to the real spindle units.

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Kim, J. , Zverv, I. and Lee, K. (2010) Model of Rotation Accuracy of High-Speed Spindles on Ball Bearings. Engineering, 2, 477-484. doi: 10.4236/eng.2010.27063.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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