Influence of Thermomecaniques Treatments on the Proprietes of Al-5.8%Zn-2.7%Mg Alloy


The aim of this work is the demonstration of the effect of thermomechanical treatments on the properties of the alloy Al-5.8%Zn-2.7%Mg by thermal analysis techniques and calorimetry, which are methods of test widely used for research purposes and quality control. The effects of thermomechanical treatments on the two variables namely the coefficient of thermal expansion and heat capacity, we can provide further information for better understanding of the phenomena responsible for the thermodynamic behavior of the alloy. The results showed the one hand, there is great similarity between the linear coefficient of thermal expansion and heat capacity, and secondly the effect of plastic deformation is evidenced by changes in the shape of the curves from the rough. Similarly the kinetics of precipitation of η phase is accelerated in the case of samples homogenized and homogenized + distorted and accompanied by a shift in the temperature range to lower temperatures than those recorded in the case of the material state Gross.

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Hamoudi, M. , Said, B. and Bouziane, M. (2012) Influence of Thermomecaniques Treatments on the Proprietes of Al-5.8%Zn-2.7%Mg Alloy. Materials Sciences and Applications, 3, 509-512. doi: 10.4236/msa.2012.38071.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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